Hey Presto! Music Theory for Violinists Book 1

40 pages

First workbook in the series (6 books), designed to take beginners on the violin to Grade 1 theory level and beyond, relating it to their instrument, and building confidence right from the start.This book gently introduces all the things a beginner might come across in their first few months of learning the violin, using clear, concise and easy to follow explanations. All of the important subjects are repeated in varying ways, the characters Presto, Bravo and Poco help to bring the subject to life and fun pages also help to make this a highly enjoyable introduction to music theory.


  1. The stave and the treble clef sign
  2. Bars and bar lines
  3. Space notes
  4. Line notes
  5. Time values
  6. More time values
  7. Even more time values!
  8. Bowing directions
  9. Leger lines
  10. Drawing leger lines
  11. More line and space notes
  12. The four violin strings
  13. Stems
  14. Drawing stems
  15. Rests
  16. Drawing rests
  17. More of the four violin strings
  18. More time values and rests
  19. Notes by step
  20. More notes by step
  21. Time signatures – the top number
  22. Time signatures – the bottom number
  23. Bravo’s matching pairs
  24. More time signatures
  25. Accidentals
  26. Drawing accidentals
  27. More about accidentals
  28. Musical maths!
  29. More leger lines
  30. Even more notes by step!
  31. Dynamics
  32. Poco’s birthday present
  33. Jumbled notes
  34. The missing bar lines
  35. Even more accidentals
  36. Bravo’s secret code
  37. Word search
  38. Spot the difference
  39. Quiz no. 1 – test yourself!
  40. Quiz no. 2 – true or false?

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